Hirsh Index of Moscow University Teachers in Comparative Assessment of Research Productivity in Sport-Related Higher Educational Institutions of Russia
S.N. Nikitin, professor, Dr.Hab.
M.V. Lopatin, professor, Ph.D.
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
N.F. Nosov, associate professor, Ph.D.
National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg
Keywords: sports kinesiology, self-control of motor actions, model of motor activity regulation, principles of control of motor actions, theoretical foundation of optimal control.
Introduction. Since the mid-twentieth century, thanks to outstanding scientists Vladimir Borisovich Korenberg [4] and Vadim Konstantinovich Bal'sevich [1], the term "kinesiology" has been actively used in the USSR (Moscow School) in the thesaurus of the theory of physical culture. The first study of kinesiological nature was related to maintenance of static body balance, and dates back to 1970 [3]. At the end of the 80's, a concept of sports kinesiology was formed. Based on this concept, the scientific work "The matters of principle of sports kinesiology" [3] appeared in 1991, and "Human ontokineziology" by V.K. Bal’sevich was published in 2009 [1]. The latter course of the scientific study of human movement will be omitted, and we will touch upon its sport and professional aspects.
The spread of kinesiology in sport encountered resistance of dogmatists of the established system of priority of physical culture and the second role of movement: kinesiology is just another name of biomechanics and the complex, synthetic scientific subject does not exist, they say. But, in spite of the opposition of dogmatists, a special selective course "Kinesiological analysis in sport" has been arranged for 5th-year students in Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture since the mid 90's, and later the subject "Fundamentals of sports kinesiology" arises for students and postgraduates. The kinesiology course has been taught based on the developments of V.B. Korenberg in other Russian cities for over ten years. In addition, we find it necessary to recognize the vast contribution to the development of sports and applied kinesiology of one of the leading specialists in the theory and practice of vestibular functions in sport and professional work of Professor V.G. Strelets. So, in its modern interpretation kinesiology and some of its conceptual issues arose in the USSR, but not in the United States [3].
The purpose of the research was to identify the development prospects of the content and direction of kinesiology.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out using the survey method and the analysis of scientific publications since the 60's of the last century by V.G. Strelets and through present by his students in FSBEI HPE "National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg".
Results and discussion. In 1969 V.G. Strelets defended his doctoral thesis "Research and training of human vestibular analyzer". Such branch of human science as control of human motor actions originates from this research as an integral part of kinesiology (Leningrad School).
The branch of self-control of motor actions penetrates into all branches of human sciences, since it is to serve as one of the motor activity objectives - optimal self-control of motor actions for the purpose of achievement of the set goal [2]:
– biophysics - mechanism of self-control of motor actions;
– biochemistry - chemical support of self-control of motor actions;
– anatomy - structure of self-control of motor actions;
– physiology - interaction of functional systems during self-control of motor actions;
– sports medicine - operation of body systems during self-control of motor actions;
– theory and methodology of a specific sport - self-control of motor actions in a specific sport;
– theory and methodology of physical education - self-control of motor actions for health support purposes;
– theory and methodology of sport - self-control of motor actions to achieve sports results;
– theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture - self-control of motor actions by people with disabilities;
– theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture - self-control of motor actions for pleasure's sake;
– theory and methodology of self-control of motor actions;
– theory and methodology of rehabilitation activity - self-control of motor actions to recover one's health;
– theory and methodology of physical culture - self-control of motor actions: general questions;
– theory and methodology of physical culture in educational institutions.
To solve these problems at the level of practical training requirements, the theory of control of motor actions draws on the ideas of optimization functioning as theoretical foundations [4, 5]. The problem-solving techniques related to selection of one of the options of implementation of a controlled dynamic process are being devised in the theory of optimal control.
The theoretical foundation of the optimal control can be presented by five aspects:
Selection of the system, in which control actions could be implemented, thus affecting its dynamics.
Development of an equation \ to evaluate the system dynamics at certain time intervals.
character of the information needed for organization of control actions.
Restrictions to the conditions determining the control goal.
Optimality criteria of control with regard to the determined parameter [3].
The objective of motor activity is to exercise effective control over the central nervous system using specific motor actions, which the above levels of control aim for and work for [6].
The theoretical principles of design of the process of control by athletes of their motor actions were developed by V.G. Strelets [6] based on the study of human vestibular-somatic relationships, which resulted in formation of the model of motor activity regulation.
We suggest applying the following principles to the model of motor activity regulation:
– the principle of reciprocity: the model of motor activity regulation, when stimulated by an external signal, should be able to provide system recovery (reset to the "habitualness" state);
– the principle of optimal readiness: the model of motor activity regulation should have the necessary range of regulation of the program of motor activity in order to reset the system to the state of optimal readiness ("habitualness" state);
– the principle of minimization (sensitivity): an external signal should be of such minimum value, at which the result of motor activity deviates from the activity program, when it is required to involve the signal of the activity result of the system of control of motor activity (feedback unit), but the system remains at the state of "habitualness";
– the principle of maximization (stability): an external signal should not exceed such maximum value, at which it falls outside the limits of the accessible range of the controlled parameter, otherwise such deviation results in the system breakdown ("critical" state);
– the principle of strangeness: formation of habits should not turn a person into a "machine", i.e. an educator must not treat habits as a goal in itself, since, by teaching an individual to content himself with the habitual, they encourage development of mental idleness;
– the principle of habitualness (meaningfulness and reflexivity): comprehension of reality as sensory and cognitive patterns anticipates man's practical actions, giving them a goal-oriented tone, develops "free responsibility".
V.G. Strelets [4-6] suggests taking into account the following peculiarities of self-control of motor actions at all levels, which are general for all types of movements:
1. To consider the time of response delay occurring due to processing of an external signal within a feedback unit (necessity of the system to change to the state of "strangeness").
2. To be aware of the time interval needed for the system to change from one state to another - "strangeness" when stimulated by an external signal and back when stimulation of an external signal is over.
3. To study the range of differentiated external loads, making the system change to another state.
4. To study the effect of external loads in order to design the programs with motor actions control automation.
Conclusion. The characteristics of the model of motor activity regulation and of the external load, as well as the state of the biological system - man, serve as theoretical foundations of self-control of motor actions. These branches are parts of kinesiology, both general and applied. Applied kinesiology studies the questions of control of motor actions in specific sports for the purpose of study of the functional capabilities of the human body when interacting with external environment and its like.
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Corresponding author: nsn1956@ayndex.ru