Meta-Subject Approach: Reconsideration of Methodology of Athlete Training in Long-Term Process



S.I. Filimonova, professor, Dr.Hab.
G.N. Germanov, professor, Dr.Hab., Honored worker of physical culture of the Russian Federation
Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
I.A. Sabirova, associate professor, Ph.D.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Voronezh

Keywords: meta-subject approach, meta-activity in sport, dialectical materialism, theories of development, personality-centered paradigm, long-term sports training, athletes, sports competences proper.

Introduction. The strategy of development of physical culture and sport up to 2020, which has been accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation by the order of the President of the RF, is focused on solution of two global tasks of development of modern sport: to engage the larger portion of the population in physical culture and sport by 2020 and to organize and stage a number of major international sport events in the territory of the Russian Federation most efficiently, as well as prepare well the national teams of the Russian Federation for speaking on the sports forums.

The progressive increase of athletic performance in sport of today is directly related to the further study of the long-term training of athletes at all stages of formation of sports skills. In this regard, priority is given to further improvement of the training of elite athletes and sports reserve, researching and summarizing acquired knowledge on a new step of the interdisciplinary integration, structuring of separate specific subject techniques in a system of integral structural and functional long-term organization of sports training. The meta-subject approach, routinely practiced due to change of educational paradigms, is assumed to be promising: a personality-centered paradigm is established instead of the knowledge-centered one [5].

The purpose of the research was to provide the scientific substantiation of the methodology of the meta-subject approach to management of the long-term sports training process.

Results and discussion. The primary focus of the present scientific knowledge is on universal activity, which is "supra-subject", or "meta-activity", - "meta" (meaning "beyond", "over", "supra", "after"), - a general, integrating characteristic, quality exerting beyond the individual and combining the features of the universal - META... [< from the Greek "meta"], which means: 1) following something, transition to something different, change of state, transformation, 2) super-renewal, neo-innovation; 3) related to the systems designed to describe other systems. The key categories of this concept are such terms as: meta-activity, meta-subject, meta-knowledge, meta-skill, meta-method, competences, etc. The scientific literature analysis revealed that the meta-subject approach to training of athletes had not been used until recently, but several aspects bring us closer to its comprehension.

The meta-subject approach is presented as a general scientific approach to perception of the actual processes, which promotes understanding of the individual through perception of the universal, combines specific recommendations into a system of integrative knowledge, forms meta-knowledge of sports training; it is treated as a new research area, which is essential for further development of the scientific basis of the theory of sports training [4]. Meta-subject nature in long-term sports training is based on the philosophical categories of "the general", "the individual" and "the unique", which play a major methodological role in cognition of reality.

In order to solve the problem of development of sport in general a global review of the entire athletes' training process is needed at the methodological level. In modern science studies, methodology is understood as a theory of structural principles, forms and methods of scientific and educational activity. There are four levels in the structure of methodological knowledge: philosophical, general scientific, concrete scientific and technological (E.G. Yudin). The philosophical level serves as a substantial basis of any methodological knowledge, determining the worldview approaches to the process of perception and transformation. The methodological basis of our study is dialectical materialism as a philosophic study on the most general laws of motion and development of nature, society and mentality. The essentials of dialectical materialism are as follows: matter is primary, and consciousness is secondary; it originates from the development of matter (human brain) and comes as its product (principle of material monism); phenomena of the objective world and consciousness are causal as they are interrelated and interdependent (principles of determinism); all objects and phenomena are in a state of motion, they develop and change (principles of development). Philosophy of dialectical materialism places the highest value on the laws of dialectics: transformation of quantitative changes into qualitative changes, unity and struggle of opposites, negation of the negation.

The concept of personality-centered paradigm was chosen as a methodological basis of the general scientific level, where an absolute value is man himself rather than personality-distracted knowledge. Such approach provides freedom of content of education (including sports training) for the purpose of satisfaction of educational, spiritual, cultural and vital requirements of an individual, humane treatment of developing personality, achievement of individuality and self-actualization ability in the cultural and learning environment.

In our study, the concrete scientific methodology is presented by the theory of development. Development is a process of irreversible, purposeful and regular changes, resulting in quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations of the human psyche and behavior. The process of development is not universal in itself and not homogeneous. Which means that oppositely directed processes occur in the course of development: "the common line of progressive development is intertwined with the changes that form the so-called evolutionary dead-ends or even tend to regression" [5]. The general properties of development, which differentiate this process from all other changes, are irreversibility (ability to accumulate changes, "add" new changes" to preceding ones), orientation (capability to indicate a single, internally interrelated path of development), regularity (capability to reproduce homotypic changes in different people).

In order to form a technology level of the methodology, the major theories of sport were studied. The bulk of the work, concerned with the long-term training of sports reserve, resolves a set of individual issues of improvement of technical and tactical skills of shooters, psychological and moral-volitional training of junior and skilled athletes using means of recovery. However, solution of research problems at the level of individual issues gives rise to more problems.

According to the analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature on theoretical and methodological substantiation of the use of different approaches to athlete’s training in shooting, all studies can be nominally divided into three focus areas: 1) integrated approach to co-operation of a trainer and an athlete with the involvement of multi-field specialists in the course of long-term training of sports reserve; 2) program-oriented and goal-oriented approach to the long-term training based on determination of the long-term goals of training of junior and skilled athletes, forecasting of parameters of record-setting competitive activity, extrapolation of natural laws of enhancement of athletic performance from adult athletes to the required performance of young athletes; 3) system approach, where athlete’s training is a dynamic, developing system, in which both long-term, strategic goals and current goals of intermediate nature are realized [1].

In structural and functional design of sports training priority is given to L.P. Matveev [2]. He believes sports training is anyhow planned with due regard to the accepted three structural levels: 1) the level of micro-structure - structure of a separate training session and minor cycles (micro-cycles) made of several training sessions; 2) the level of meso-structure - structure of middle training cycles (meso-cycles), including a relatively completed set of micro-cycles; 3) the level of macro-structure - structure of major training cycles (macro-cycles) like semi-annual, annual and long-term ones.

Conclusion. The meta-subject perception of sports training processes can be based on the following methodological activity patterns:

1) primary consideration of regularities of competitive activity, extrapolation of meta-skills in successful competitive confrontation from the allied disciplines to the subject area under study;

2) the unity of educational and methodological and biological foundations of sports training, detection of global biological and physiological regularities of adaptation of the body to training activity, clarification of meta-methods that contribute to further progress in competitive activity;

3) meta-knowledge in sports, which implies theoretical modeling of sports training processes, based on instrumental monitoring and diagnostics methods, the use of the means of immediate information with a biologically inverse relationship as an artificially controlled environment while forming significant features of competitive activity;

4) meta-activity in sport is based on large-scale forecasting and planning of training activity, in which retro-regularities of formation of sports skills are used as a framework for setting future training goals, formation of the models of a potential athlete, strongest athlete, members of national sport teams;

5) meta-activity in sport is focused on integration of different aspects and components of fitness (from physical to technical and tactical, psychological) into a single entity - a state of competition form, highest level of fitness, realization of this fitness in a specific socio-natural environment;

6) the display of meta-subjectness on different space-time scales, combining into a single entity prompt routine corrections in training of an athlete with training macro-tasks into a continuous permanent system that provides integration of the current predetermined solutions into the area of long-term training goals;

7) meta-activity in sport implies the unity, compliance and alignment of the individual and the group for the purpose of organization of technological processes of activity, development of pilot programs.


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