Training Program to Hit Standards of All-Russian Sports Complex «Ready for Labour and Defence» (GTO) Based on Mobile Learning



R.S. Nagovitsyn, associate professor, Ph.D.
I.V. Vladykina, associate professor, Ph.D.
Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko, Glazov, Russia
S.Yu. Senator, professor, Dr.Hab.
Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov, Moscow

Keywords: mobile learning, training program to hit standards of All-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO), students, physical education classes.

Introduction. As it is stressed in the development strategy of physical education and sport in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 in the fifth section on creating a new national system of physical education and sport, the result of its implementation should be an increase of up to 35 percent of the total amount of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sport and train in the amount of not less than 6 hours. Due to the currently insufficient number of academic hours provided by federal standards for physical education in various educational institutions, there has been revealed the need to strengthen and promote individual physical training among the population, in particular among young students [4].

Relevance of the research. Development of the theoretical and methodological support for independent physical education occupations using innovative technologies, such as mobile learning, will enhance motor activity of young people. In turn, the orientation of the individual sports activity of those who are getting ready for passing the standards of the All-Russian sports complex "GTO" will contribute to the improvement of the physical development of the people and will increase their motivation for healthy lifestyle. Thus, we have theoretically proved and implemented a program of individual physical education occupations through the implementation of mobile learning for the purpose of development of physical qualities in the context of training to hit the control standards of the subject "Physical Education" and the All-Russian sports complex "GTO".

The purpose of the research was to develop methodological and technological foundations for the students training program to hit the standards of the all-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO) based on mobile learning.

Materials and methods. Methodological basis of the program is based on the personality-centered approach that ensures the priority of an individual in the context of the sphere of education and creates conditions for the development of the person’s capacity for self-education, self-learning, self-training, self-development, self-determination, independence and self-actualization in sports activity. This approach involves the differentiation of types of motor activity and provides orientation to the personality of each student in view of their athletic interests, needs and motives, personal and functional characteristics and abilities, all-round and special physical fitness level. (V.K. Bal’sevich [1] A.V. Lotonenko [2], L.I. Lubysheva [3], V.G. Shil’ko [5] et al). In the context of determining the methodological foundations the principle of differentiation and individualization of sports activity was identified, based on the provisions of the personality-centered approach. For its practical implementation individual forms and methods of teaching and training should be selected that stimulate students, form their capabilities and needs of building up their own individual plan of activities (V.P. Luk’yanenko, A. Maslow, G.K. Selevko, V.V. Serikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya et al).

The development of the technological foundations of the implementation of the individual physical training program on the basis of the realization of mobile learning intended to develop physical qualities in the context of training to hit the control standards of the All-Russian sports complex "GTO" is based on a sequential algorithm of actions for each user of the program:

1. On the Internet, on the website of the All-Russian sports complex "GTO" one needs to find information on the monitoring of physical qualities ( and determine test (tests) of his physical development for his age level and sex.

2. Collect individual data on the groups of tests identified above (if data are impossible to collect, hit the standards one more time).

3. Find the website (, that contains information on the implementation of the program under the heading "GTO" (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. A page with the category "GTO" on the dedicated website "Student's personal physical education"

4. Open the attached file "Test results" and fill in the columns with the personal numerical values of the tests in an order based on the age and gender characteristics (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. displaying the content of the attached file "Test results"

5. Based on the obtained data (achievement percentage), to identify by testing two of the least of all the values corresponding to various physical qualities, giving them one rank out of the two available (1 - lower value, 2 - higher value, such as "Speed-Endurance"). Note 1: when identifying the smallest of the values for one particular physical qualitiy it is necessary to add under the rank 2 a physical quality with the smallest percentage value of the remaining four qualities. Note 2: the mean value of the achievement percentage is revealed in the context of the all-round physical fitness level or by receiving a bronze badge (the user needs to choose the goal of his training).

6. Based on the determined arithmetic mean of the results by the achievements percentage in the attached file "Test results" in Table 1, to pinpoint the recommended levels of complexity of training sessions in the context of a 6-week training cycle (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. A page displaying the content of Table 1 in the "GTO" category

7. Find the weekly training cycle in Table 2 in view of the identified above physical qualities (such as "Endurance-Flexibility"), the level of complexity of training sessions and gender features (only for the physical qualities - "M Strength" or "F Strength") (Figure 3).

Fig. 4. A page displaying the content of Table 2 in the "GTO" category

8. Based on the the proposed weekly cycle by days start training by "clicking" on the number of the training session. After that the user will automatically be redirected to a dedicated website for training sessions ( For convenience, in order to get to the website to start training the user must first register on this website (login and password are shown on the home page of the website).

9. Start training by clicking on "Start session" on a mobile device (smartphones, tablets, i.e. devices with International Mobile Equipment Identifier, based on the operating systems Windows Phone, iOS, Android and others, that support mobile networks, 3G or 4G, and Wi-Fi technology).

10. When performing physical exercises, consider the following key recommendations of the website:

- training can not be stopped (paused), it can only be finished;

- if you want to skip the exercise or speed up the training process, click "Finish the exercise";

- if you need to know the whole content of the current training session, click on "Show / hide all exercises," in order to close it click on the same icon;

- if you want to see the current exercise on the photo, please click on the exercise (Note: images are not supported by all mobile devices);

- if the number of repetitions or sets does not match your physical capabilities, you can do the exercise in an individual mode.

11. The classes are to be finished within 6 weeks, on the 7th week one must carry out monitoring of the physical qualities, and based on it do the adjustments (if required) and start a new 6-week training cycle.

Results and discussion. Modernization of physical culture activity of students, based on the introduction of the program of independent physical education classes in the context of mobile learning to train to hit the standards of the all-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO), facilitates the promotion and activation of the motor activity among young people. This is confirmed by a significant (daily) increase of the number of the site users based on the special Internet monitoring. Representatives of various age groups, including schoolchildren, students and working young people, were identified among the users of the developed didactic mobile resource, which confirms the relevance and usability of the author's program.

Conclusion. Thus, the development of the content of independent physical education classes on the basis of the implementation of mobile learning will provide modern demands and needs of young people. The use of Internet resources to train students for hitting the GTO standards, in terms of the implementation of sports activity of young people on the basis of the didactic possibilities of using mobile devices and technologies will significantly enhance its efficiency, by improving the characteristics of physical development, the level of functional capacities of students and motivation of young people for the formation of personal physical culture.


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