The Effects of Royal Jelly and Ubiquinone-10 on Heart Rate Variability of Qualified Swimmers during Physical Load



Professor, Dr.Biol. E.Sh. Shayakhmetova
Professor, Ph.D. L.M. Matveeva
Associate professor, Ph.D. R.M. Muftakhina
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa

Keywords: psychophysiological qualities, sensorimotor response, physical working capacity, aerobic respiration.

Relevance. As seen from the analysis of scientific publications, the problem of recovery and improvement of physical working capacity had been investigated by many authors [4, 5, 6 et al]. However, not all the techniques and methods they presented can easily be used in a training process with elite boxers. So, it is relevant to carry out a purposeful search, develop and implement in the practice of sports psychophysiology advanced, innovative methods which provide for the achievement of a desired goal.

The purpose of the present study was to identify the psychophysiological features of enhancement of physical working capacity of elite boxers within the use of the author’s program.

Materials and methods. 166 elite boxers, distributed between control and experimental groups, 83 athletes each, were examined in the preparatory and pre-season periods.

Against the background of the application of the author's program on improvement of physical working capacity several parameters were analyzed: response to a moving object, complex visual-motor reaction, speed qualities, sense of distance and differences in time intervals. The indicators of sensorimotor responses were studied on the hardware and software complex "NS-PshycoTest" (Neurosoft, Ivanovo,

The survey was carried out at the premises of Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of FSBEI HPE UralSUPC, using the research laboratory tools. Before and after the experiment, the athletes were subject to a thorough prophylactic medical examination in the Republican Medical Exercises Dispensary (RMED) of Ufa, and were considered healthy.

The mathematical-statistical processing of the study materials, made by means of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application and the "Statistica 6.0" software package, included the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. When testing statistical hypotheses in the current study, the critical level of significance was deemed equal to 0.05, 0.001.

Results and discussion. In order to select adequate methods and means, which if followed would provide proper development of special physical qualities and formation of specific adaptive state of the body typical for effective training and competitive activities of boxers, we analyzed boxers' competitive activity with due regard to sports psychophysiology and physiology. As a result, we determined the following:

– one bout consists of 3 rounds with 1-min rest intervals between them, consequently, intracellular energy stores of phosphorus compounds (phosphoric acid, creatine phosphate, ATP) are exhausted and an athlete begins each successive round in a state of incomplete recovery, and so, by the end of the bout he works primarily in the aerobic-anaerobic mode – intensity of his activity decreases;

– one boxing round lasts 3 minutes and develops in the mixed aerobic-anaerobic zone depending on the prevalence of a particular activity, HR - 131 to 165 bpm and 166 to 180 bpm respectively. When attacking, the body starts to function in the anaerobic zone - HR more than 180 bpm.

Boxing is characterized by work of variable intensity, and it is conditionally referred to activity of submaximal power. As known, such work can be performed primarily by means of anaerobic energy sources.

In the first round, oxygen consumption amounts to 70-80% of maximum. This means that   the respiratory and circulatory systems of an athlete do not approach maximum capacities after 3 minutes of work, though reaching rather high level of working capacity. Obviously, the proportion of anaerobic energy sources will be higher over this period, than that of aerobic ones.

During a bout, the role of aerobic energy supply of boxer's working organs increases gradually. In the second and third rounds, the level of oxygen consumption rises from 80 to 95% of maximum possible. Moreover, insignificant increase in oxygen consumption from the second to the third round suggests that increasing intensity of oxidative reactions accounts for the first two rounds. Most likely, in the second and especially the third rounds oxygen consumption settles down moderately. Apparently, this phase of boxer's activity runs against the background of the most extensive oxidative reactions, and aerobic energy supply will dominate. And higher level of oxygen utilization in this period of the bout promotes more intensive work performance [3]. Hence, enhancement of the systems of oxygen supply of the boxer’s body is one of the conditions for enhancement of working capacity.

The bout conditions are so that an athlete can have a 1-min rest twice per bout. During this time his body liquidates oxygen debt, decay products, resulting from his work and hindering contractile force of muscles hereafter. It is known that the speed of liquidation of decay products, i.e. restoration of working capacity of the body, depends on the power of aerobic reactions [3]. Consequently, a boxer with a high threshold of aerobic metabolism will begin each successive round with greater potentialities.

In sports training practice they recommend running with a jump rope, stair running, running in place, cross-country running, swimming, cycling, etc. as aerobic exercises.

However, such differentiation of training loads is not always well-grounded. It depends on the features of competitive training of boxers. The main feature is multicycle periodization of sports training. That is why, alternative techniques and methods should also be used at individual stages of training and competitive activity to resolve the issues of development of endurance. To increase working capacity in athletes engaged in acyclic sports, we suggested using the author's program based on breathing techniques (certificate № 154/2013 dated June 18, 2013).

A set of breathing techniques was based on aerobic respiration combined with specific exercises. The physiological mechanism is as follows: sufficient amount of oxygen is delivered with blood to the place of tension, excretes and tonifies the muscle tissue, activates the lymph circulation and contributes to the massage of the internals.

Changes in the psychophysiological indices, referential for boxing activity, are presented in Table 1. As seen from the table data, the application of the author's program of enhancement of physical working capacity only slightly influenced the key psychophysiological indices of elite boxers.

Thus, the differences in the RMO indices between the groups of boxers amounted to 1%, the differences were insignificant at р=0.246.

The athletes from both the control and experimental groups improved their CVMR indices by 7% compared with the pre-season. However, in the pre-season period, the inter-group differences in the testing results were insignificant (1%, р=0.146).

As seen from the table data, we detected the statistically significant differences (р=0.001) in the display of boxers’ speed qualities. The athletes who trained by the author's program of improvement of working capacity enhanced their tapping test results by 7.7% (р=0.001). In our opinion, the author's program of improvement of working capacity affected the dynamics of performance of motor actions. The boxers from the experimental group developed rational sequence and relation of accented moments of exertion of muscle force and relaxation and had their resistance to fatigue increased.

Table 1. Psychophysiological indices of elite boxers who trained and did not train the author's program to improve working capacity, х+m, n=166

Psychophysiological indices

Those who trained by the author's program of improvement of working capacity, n=83

Those who did not train by the author's program of improvement of working capacity, n=83


Reaction to a moving object, msec




Complex visual-motor reaction, msec




Speed qualities, number of times




Sense of distance, % of errors




Differences in time intervals, sec





Note: р – significance of inter-group differences.

The analysis of the results of the test for differentiation of space parameters did not reveal any significant inter-group differences: the differences amounted to 2.6% at р=0.381.

Comparing the intra- and inter-group indices of the boxers in relation to their ability to reproduce the set time interval, it should be emphasized that the results of the athletes from both groups were high. Thus, the boxers from the control group had their results improved compared with the pre-season by 29%, the athletes from the experimental group - by 64%. Thanks to the application of the author's program of improvement of working capacity the athletes from the experimental group improved their results by 26.8% compared to the control group, the inter-group differences were significant at р=0.001. Consequently, the application of the author's program of enhancement of working capacity was seen in the well-balanced processes of inhibition and excitation and enabled athletes from the experimental group to avoid untimely movements in this testing.

Conclusions. In summary it should be noted that reliable inter-group differences (р=0.001) were found in the indicators of speed qualities and the difference of time intervals. We tend to associate it with the fact that speed qualities and the sense of time are determined by the peculiarities of the course of physiological and psycho-physiological processes in the body. It is known that prolonged inhalation and breath-holding at inhalation depth have a stimulating effect: the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is activated; prolonged exhalation and breath-holding at exhalation depth have an inhibitory, depressing effect, and it is the parasympathetic division of the ANS that is activated [2]. Therefore, the key mechanism is involvement of expiratory and inspiratory neurons in provision of higher motor functions. Breath-holding results in the activation of the bulbo-pontine mechanism, such activation is due to participation of the central and peripheral divisions. The bulbo-pontine mechanism is widely connected with most structures of the CNS, it provides safe and absolute adaptation of the body to ever-changing conditions [1].

In addition, we found that the author's program of improvement of working capacity applied with elite boxers during their training and competitive activity contributes to the focused control over athletes' adaptive mechanisms, increasing their functional and adaptive capabilities. Using this approach the functional activity of the body on a case-by-case basis can be changed, which helps the latter gain a brand new performance level, improving both training for competitions and participation as such.


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