Development of Technology of Evaluation of Level of Professional Competences during Teaching of Students
A.A. Kletneva, associate professor, Ph.D.
A.A. Gladyshev, postgraduate student
S.A. Davydova, associate professo
N.A. Samolovov
N.V. Samolovova
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Keywords: competency building approach, educational technology, professional competences, diagnostic technique.
Introduction. The requirements of the competency building approach apply to all components of the educational process, not only to the content, but also to the monitoring and evaluation tools, and cause the need for a system of evaluation of the level of formation of competences according to the technological type. Selection of evaluation tools in the course of learning on the basis of the competency building approach is determined by the fact what and which specific competences are evaluated. It is necessary to develop evaluation tools that include all the possible options for the interim and final certification, which can be an educational technology. There are quite a number of alternative versions in the definition of the term "educational technology" [V.P. Bespal’ko, M.V. Klarin, M.A. Choshanov, N.P. Kapustin, et al].
We took the definition of UNESCO as an original one. As a confirmation we used the studies of G.K. Selevko, who believed that, whereas educational technology was represented by three aspects (scientific, procedural-descriptive, procedural-active), it would then function "as a science that concerns the most rational ways of teaching, and as a system of tools, principles and regulative actions used in teaching, and as an actual teaching process" [3].
The purpose of the research was to develop and scientifically substantiate the technology of evaluation of professional competences.
Results and discussion. The content of evaluation system includes the description of profiles of each professional competence (in the form of a five-level indicator set); selection of evaluation forms, tools and methods.
While developing the technology of evaluation of the level of formation of professional competences, we took into account the opinion of the authors, who conducted research in this area: N. F. Efremova, Е.Yu. Ignat'eva, V.A. Kal'ney, S.E. Shishov, V.I. Zvonnikov, M.B. Chelyshkova, E.Yu. Grudzinskaya, V.V. Mariko, V.A. Bogoslovskiy et al; however, in our opinion, evaluation forms, tools and methods should be separated into different categories.
Evaluation form is a prescribed procedure of usage of evaluation tools and methods.
Evaluation tool is a tool used to determine the degree of manifestation of a particular competence.
Evaluation method is the mode of application of evaluation tools.
Evaluation forms include: credit-examination, point-rating or modular-rating system.
In order to evaluate the level of formation of competences, the following means should be used: tests used to determine the level of formation of substantive competences (primarily cognitive); tests used to determine the level of formation of behavioral competences (primarily sociopersonal); educational portfolio (portfolio of documents and portfolio of fulfilled tasks) which is reflective of accumulation and qualitative changes in the results of training activity as manifestation of behavioral and functional competences; processing of scientific and methodological literary sources and documentation using various methods (summery, compilation, abstracting, content-analysis), which is a means for evaluation of the level of formation of substantive competences (primarily cognitive); electronic presentations characterizing not only functional but also a set of behavioral competences; display and explanation of the technique of physical exercises as manifestation of functional competences (social and cognitive); business game, design, modeling, which contribute to a complex display of functional and behavioral competences; traditional means – oral answer, tests, independent work, laboratory classes, practical training report, terminological quiz, report, notes, colloquium, coursework, that reflect consistent mastering of cognitive competences and partial manifestation of functional competences.
The methods are to be correlated with conditions and specificity of the professional training orientation. The following groups of methods may serve as a methodological basis of evaluation process: socio-psychological and thematic questionnaires (tests); topical discussions; performance of control simulator exercises; training (production, scientific, psychological, etc.) models; estimation of practical skills.
The monitoring scheme represents a detailed plan of implementation of different tools and methods of prolonged control for the purpose of evaluation of the level of formation of competences at each training stage, and making timely adjustments focused on self-improvement during vocational training. It is recommended to plan various control activities once per 2-4 weeks, depending on the tightness of the academic schedule.
The diagnostic technique should meet a number of conditions: evaluation in conjunction with specific vocational activity and with the involvement of external expertise; the possibility of using peer assessment in all kinds of training activity; the possibility of conducting a systematic analysis of the level of achievements on the basis of evaluation aimed at making adjustments for further self-improvement; evaluation not only of training results, but directly of manifestation of competences during training activity.
The diagnostic technique, as the main certification tool, should include: practical and logical form of presentation (without making definitions even more confusing); user (calculation) guide for experts; specifically developed marksheets. The proposed technique of diagnostics of the level of formation of professional competences implies the development of tests, including three to five test questions set for each formulated competence, that cover a specific range of questions of professional competency. The mark is given based on the number of points received for correct answers. While determining the level of formation, correct answers are summed up on each question, then on each competence in general, and then on groups of competences.
The described scoring system will give a more faithful idea of the level of formation of competences, both in points and in percentage terms. The points gained are grouped by the levels of formation of competences [1, 2].
The instructions contain a detailed description of each level, which coincide with the levels of formation of competences determined by means of expert evaluation with the use of indicators. Here, the indicators shall be understood as "available monitoring and estimation of a characteristic of the object under study, that helps estimate its other non-examinable characteristics". That is, the indicators serve as readily determined criteria of the level of development of competences, but in case of a great number of them, the differences become less noticeable and it gets hard to evaluate them. Herewith, it is necessary to take into consideration that it is not the performed task as such which is evaluated, but the manifestation of a specific competence while performing a task.
To avoid an erroneous approach, it seems reasonable to include the indicators of the profiles of competences combined with marksheets in the instructions for experts. The final marksheet of a student is to include all parameters of the process of evaluation of the level of formation of professional competences. Given that the point-rating system is used alongside the traditional five-mark grading system, the final marksheet is as follows (Table 1):
Table 1. Evaluation of the level of formation of professional competences
№ PC
Number of points |
Expert evaluation of profiles of competences (in points) |
Testing estimate (in points) |
Evaluation based on traditional tools |
Final estimate |
0-100 |
1-5 |
0-100 |
1-5 |
1-5 |
1-5 |
… 4 |
85 |
5 |
87 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
Conclusion. Clear ratio of the structural components of the evaluation technology, selection of evaluation tools, detailed planning of options and phases of the interim and final certification will not only help ascertain the progress obtained, but also ensure timely correction in the course of formation of professional competences.
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