Sports and patriotism of youth
PhD, Associate Professor P.A. Baev
Baikal State University, Irkutsk
Keywords: sports, patriotism, youth, ideology.
The state's interests in fostering patriotism are closely intertwined with the development of sports. This is due to the fact that sports are competitive, entertaining, and attract large audiences. As a result, sports consolidate large groups of people and form a unified identity. This can serve as a basis for predicting the behavior of these communities in everyday life [1, 2].
Research aim: to identify the relationship between sports participation and the level of patriotism among young people.
Methodology and research organization.
The study involved 600 young people aged 18 to 25, of whom 54% were female and 46% were male. The sample was quota-based, considering gender, age, and attitude toward sports (200 professional athletes, 200 active fans, volunteers at sports events, and spectators, and 200 individuals with no interest in sports).
Results and discussion.
A high level of patriotism, expressed in a conscious choice of national-cultural values, pride in one's country, and readiness to act in its interests, was found in 37% of respondents. Among them, 56% were athletes, 39% were fans and volunteers at sports events, and only 5% had no connection to sports.
A moderate level of patriotism was characterized by knowledge of national symbols and the importance of citizenship and patriotism, but not always accompanied by a readiness to act in the interests of the country or defend national interests – 43%. In this group, 37% were athletes, 36% were fans and volunteers, and 27% had no connection to sports.
A low level of patriotism was associated with a desire to leave the country, criticism of its history, culture, and current state – 20%. Among athletes, this was 11%, among fans and volunteers 24%, and among those with no connection to sports, 65%.
The study found that athletes and fans (through fan clubs or volunteer centers) are more consolidated, exhibiting shared ideology and self-presentation (wearing club or sports symbols, photos of athletes on clothing and accessories). Their level of patriotism is high. Those who are not interested in sports are more fragmented, lack shared values, and are poorly organized.
To foster civic engagement among youth, the education and management systems should work more purposefully to involve young people in the sports movement.
- Polyushkevich, O. A., & Ivanov, R. V. (2024). Prosotsialnaya aktivnost kak sotsialnyy kapital volonterov pri sportivnykh sorevnovaniyakh [Prosocial activity as social capital of volunteers during sports competitions]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 7, 92.
- Polyushkevich, O. A., & Ivanov, R. V. (2023). Prosotsialnyye praktiki v sportivnoy deyatelnosti [Prosocial practices in sports activities]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 2, 50.