Social responsibility of an athlete in the conditions of modern society
Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
The purpose of the study is to identify the subjective and objective factors of the formation of an athlete's social responsibility, taking into account the social challenges that determine a new vector of personality development.
Methodology and organization of research. In the course of scientific work, a search and selection of information sources posted in the database was carried out. . The sample consisted of 165 publications on the subject under study.
Research results and conclusions. The formation of an athlete's social responsibility should be considered as an integrative process of developing his qualities, on the one hand, related to the personal sphere and physical fitness as a subjective factor that allows achieving high athletic results. On the other hand, it is related to objective factors determined by the expectations of society and contributing to the formation of civic responsibility, spirituality and culture, initiative and much more. The identification of subjective and objective factors makes it possible to form the social functions that are in demand today, within the framework of which the social responsibility of an athlete is realized.
Keywords: sports activity, society, athlete, personal sphere, social functions.
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