Developing anticipation capabilities through a combination of exercises of various intensity taking into account the metabolism indicators of wrestlers' muscle work
Dr. Hab., Professor G.A. Gilev1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Semenova2
Postgraduate student H. Zino1
A.V. Isaev3
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
3Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to increasing lactate utilization when using combinations of intensive and extensive exercises by freestyle wrestlers and judokas in the process of developing the ability to anticipate at the stage of improving athletic skills.
Methods and structure of the study. The formation and development of the ability to anticipation was realized by teaching the wrestlers of the experimental group the ability to foresee the opponent's actions. The development of speed-strength qualities was carried out by them by the consistent use of exercises of an anaerobic and aerobic nature. The wrestlers of the control group mainly used strength-oriented exercises. The recording of the results during the study was carried out by instrumental methods using observations, surveys and expert assessments.
Results and conclusions. The results obtained during the experiment indicate an increase in speed-strength manifestations with an improvement in metabolic processes of energy supply for muscle functioning in terms of the intensity of lactate utilization in the blood, in the case of alternating loads that develop the speed and strength qualities of wrestlers in anaerobic modes with similar motor actions of an aerobic nature.
Keywords: anticipation, judokas, freestyle wrestlers, speed-strength abilities, aerobic and anaerobic processes.
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