Features of organizing and conducting mass sports work in a university in the eighties of the last century
PhD V.N. Kremneva1
Postgraduate student E.M. Solodovnik1
1Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the content and quality of sports and mass work of the Department of Physical Education among students and teachers of PSU in the eighties of the last century and at the present time.
Methods and structure of the study. The forms, methods of organizing and conducting sports and mass work at PetrSU are analyzed.
Results and conclusions. The conducted research allowed us to note the highest level of sports and mass work in the 80s for all six indicators. It is especially necessary to highlight the number of mass categories as a percentage of the total contingent of students, the indicator of the work of the voluntary sports society, the number of received gold badges of the GTO, the training of instructors and judges among student youth, as well as the currently lost indicator – «Agitation and propaganda». Only for the indicator «Spartakiada» can we note an increase in the types of sports included in modern sports and mass work.
An appeal to the historical heritage, accumulated experience, its analysis will help in determining the most effective practices of organizing sports and mass work, which can be used (with appropriate modern adaptation) at the present time.
Keywords: PSU, comparative analysis, sports and mass work, students, physical education, review-competition, department of physical education.
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