Assessment of physical fitness of first-year students who have started playing sports


PhD S.V. Tokareva1
E.V. Tkachev2
Dr. Biol., Professor S.Yu. Zavalishina3
K.Yu. Osmanova1

1Southwest State University, Kursk
2Kursk State University, Kursk
3Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to track changes in the parameters of the cardiorespiratory system of first-year students and their physical capabilities against the background of the beginning of football training.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 36 healthy young men who began their studies in the first year of university. The athletes were divided into two comparable groups: football players (n=19) and a control group (n=17). The students were examined twice: at the beginning of their first year of university and again at the end of their first year. A number of traditional tests for assessing human physical capabilities and ultrasound diagnostics were used, with the results processed using Student's t-test.
Results and conclusions. Regular training in the football section effectively stimulated the capabilities of the students' cardiorespiratory system. Against this background, the young men who began their studies at the university showed increased physical performance and strengthened their heart and lungs. According to the results of the study, it can be stated that regular football loads have a strong stimulating effect on the body of first-year adolescents as a result of activating the work of their vital organs.

Keywords: students, first-year students, physical training, football, young men, physical abilities, heart, lungs.


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