Physical development of students involved in race walking
A.A. Kucheryavykh1
PhD S.V. Tokareva1
Dr. Med., Professor I.N. Medvedev2
A.Yu. Skripina1
1Southwest State University, Kursk
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to find out the characteristics of physical development of students who started to practice race walking with different frequency.
Methods and structure of the study. The observed sample included 35 physically untrained male students who had started regular race walking classes. Of these, 16 males trained twice a week for a distance of at least 5 km. The remaining 19 males race walked four times a week, covering at least 5 km per session. A control group was also recruited, consisting of 18 first- or second-year male students who had no relation to sports and experienced physical activity higher than everyday only during academic physical education classes. In all three groups, the condition was assessed at baseline and after 8 months of observation. Due to the absence of reliable changes in the control group, the data for this group are presented in the article as a single figure - the arithmetic mean for each research method. The general condition of the observed students was determined daily. Initially and at the end of the observation - after 5 months, all the observed were tested using the methods below. In all cases, the value of the vital capacity of the lungs, the pulse rate, the values of arterial pressure were established. In addition, all young men were assessed for their 12-minute run (Cooper test), the time needed to run 20 meters, the number of arm flexions and extensions from a support on a sports bench for a period of 10 seconds, and the throwing distance of a 1 kg ball from a sitting position was determined. Mathematical processing of the data obtained in the work performed was carried out using the Student t-criterion.
Results and conclusions. The students' race walking classes strengthened their cardiovascular system with a decrease in heart rate and a stable normal blood pressure level. The training was accompanied by the development of the students' pulmonary system with an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs. The sports classes provided the students with an increase in their physical capabilities of a speed-strength nature and endurance. This was noted in both training groups with greater results achieved in the group that trained 4 times a week. In this regard, race walking classes are an effective option for increasing students' physical activity and ensuring their physical development in the case of four-time training sessions during the week.
Keywords: students, sports, race walking, physical activity, adolescence.
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