he use of information technology to organize independent work of students in health aerobics classes
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Bushma1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Zuykova1
PhD, Professor L.M. Volkova2
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Lipovka3
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named in honor of Air Chief Marshal A.A. Novikov, St. Petersburg
3Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to determining the possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) in organizing independent work in health aerobics classes.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were used to conduct the study: analysis of a body of scientific and methodological literature, including both domestic and foreign publications devoted to the use of ICT in physical education; analysis of our own practical teaching experience; quantitative research methods, such as testing and questionnaires, allowing us to assess the effectiveness of using ICT from the students’ point of view; qualitative methods, such as pedagogical observation of the educational process using ICT; statistical processing of the obtained data using special software packages to identify patterns and correlations.
Results and conclusions. High-quality organization of independent work of students using information and communication technologies is an important aspect of the modern educational process. Successful implementation of ICT can significantly increase students' motivation, improve the quality of education and prepare them for the challenges posed by the information society. Technological features that affect the success in organizing independent work of students are identified, the level of necessary competencies of students is formulated, corresponding to the target settings when performing independent work at all stages of training in the specialization.
Keywords: aerobics, information and communication technologies, independent work, students, educational process.
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