Systematization of the results of development of student sports in the structure of higher physical education of the Penza region


PhD, Professor A.N. Lutkov1
PhD, Professor V.G. Volkov1
1Penza State University, Penza

Objective of the study was to analyze the historical stages of development of student sports in the structure of higher physical education based on Penza State University.
Results and conclusions. The article presents the results of the analysis of sources concerning Penza student sports, where the main efforts in the development of sports in the system of higher education of the Penza region were carried out by the staff of the specialized faculty of physical education, and later – the Institute of Physical Education and Sports of the Penza State University. It is shown that, relying on the rich history and traditions of previous generations, the institute is currently developing in accordance with the current demands of society, contributing to the high-quality training of highly professional coaches and specialists in the physical education and sports industry.

Keywords: student sports, sports club, physical education, institute of physical education, faculty of physical education, all-Russian Universiade.


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