The impact of sport-based activities using swimming equipment on children with mental retardation
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Grigan1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Ryzhkin2
I.A. Korobov2
E.P. Raskita2
1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-Western Institute of Management, St. Petersburg
2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of sports activities on improving physical, intellectual and emotional performance in children with mental retardation.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment took place at boarding school No. 1 from January to May. The study involved 30 children (10-12 years old) with intellectual disabilities, who were divided into a control and experimental group of 15 people each. The adaptive physical education classes of the experimental group included swimming equipment, the control group studied according to the usual program.
Results and conclusions. During the experiment in the control group (not involved in swimming), it was found that children had difficulty understanding the material taught and also had problems with coordination. In the experimental group, the measured indicators improved, which indicates a positive effect of swimming equipment on improving physical qualities, indicators of psychological adaptability and emotional intelligence of students with disabilities. The use of adaptive sports equipment helps improve the physical condition of those involved, helps to keep the body in good shape, despite the difficulties caused by health problems. Moreover, sports-based activities, in particular those involving swimming equipment, improve coordination, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The activities have a positive psychological effect on this group of people.
Keywords: adaptive physical education, limited physical abilities, popularization of sports, health improvement.
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