Physical education and sports healthimproving activities of students in the system of university healthsaving education
Belenkova L.Yu.
Russian State University of Social Technologies, Moscow
Zakharova N.L.
Russian State University of Social Technologies, Moscow
Kotovskaya S.V.
Russian State University of Social Technologies, Moscow
Keywords: physical education and sports health activities, health-saving education, students, university.
Introduction. During their time at university, one-fifth of students transition from being relatively healthy to suffering from chronic diseases: significant mental and emotional stress combined with limited physical activity leads to pathological changes in the body's systems [1]. As a result, there is an increasing need to improve the process of physical education and sports health education in educational institutions.
Research Objective — to identify the level of students' knowledge in the field of health-saving activities and their physical fitness during physical education classes; to examine the modern forms of physical education and sports health activities applied in the university's educational process.
Methodology and Research Organization. To address the research objectives, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; anonymous surveys involving 60 students from different years of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Russian State University of Social Technologies.
Research Results and Discussion. The survey results revealed that the majority of students have an understanding of a healthy lifestyle and its components: regular physical education and sports (78.3%); a rational work and rest schedule (71.6%); proper nutrition (65%); and the absence of harmful habits, such as smoking (61.6%). The analysis of the questionnaires showed that 66.67% of students rate their health as good, 11.6% do not think about their health, 16.6% consider their health weak, and 5% rate it as satisfactory. Additionally, 95% of respondents reported no chronic diseases. The survey results indicated that traditional university education does not fully provide students with basic courses on forming a healthy lifestyle within the general educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly use various modern physical education and health technologies, including recreational physical education, health groups, general physical training, athletic gymnastics, and health-improving exercises (step aerobics, shaping, fitball, breathing exercises, therapeutic gymnastics, etc.).
Conclusions. A student's commitment to a healthy lifestyle is formed as a conscious decision within the framework of physical education and sports health activities. Various forms of strengthening students' psychophysical health through physical education and sports have a positive impact on the development of emotional stability, self-regulation, and physical activity.
The article was prepared as part of the state assignment EGISU NIOKTR (code FSMN-2023-0007).
Gabibov, A.B., Magmedbegova, S.I., & Zhirenko, D.I. (2020). Activation of physical education and sports activities of students [Electronic resource]. Development of Science, National Innovation System, and Technologies: Collection of Scientific Papers Based on the Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference (May 13, 2020). Belgorod: LLC "Agency for Advanced Scientific Research." URL: (accessed: July 1, 2024).