Analysis of technical and tactical characteristics of highly qualified Chinese table tennis players


Li Pengjun
Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: table tennis, professional club, highly skilled athletes, technical and tactical characteristics of the game.

Research Objective — to study and summarize the technical and tactical characteristics in the competitive activities of highly skilled Chinese table tennis players.

Methodology and Research Organization. The study involved 24 highly skilled players representing professional sports clubs participating in the top division of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. The research, conducted during the 2023/2024 season, included pedagogical observations and video analysis to examine modern trends in the gameplay of highly skilled Chinese table tennis players and to summarize the main features of technical and tactical actions during competitions.

Research Results and Discussion. The analysis of the gameplay of highly skilled Chinese table tennis players indicates that during matches, the most frequently executed technical and tactical actions are forehand and backhand drives — 35.2% and 29.4%, respectively. However, when performing these actions, Chinese players manage to win between 2 and 7 points per game. It should be noted that these technical and tactical actions primarily serve to transition the game from defense to attack, aiming to gain an advantage over the opponent during rallies.

Pedagogical observations of competitive activities and video analysis of highly skilled Chinese table tennis players revealed that during matches, the majority of points — between 18 and 24 — are won through the use of topspin, while the remaining points are earned through chops or opponent errors. It is noteworthy that highly skilled players use topspin in only 14.6% of cases during matches.

Conclusion. The generalization of the research results showed that to increase the effectiveness of their gameplay, highly skilled Chinese table tennis players need to use the topspin technique more frequently, as it allows them to win the most points during matches.


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