Evaluation of the effectiveness of suspension training in the process of physical training of 1314 yearold Chinese hockey players
Lyu Guangchao
Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, Moscow
Keywords: ice hockey, physical training, training method, suspension training, unstable support (suspension).
Research Objective — to develop exercises on unstable support (suspension) to improve the physical fitness of Chinese ice hockey players aged 13-14 and to evaluate their effectiveness in experimental conditions.
Methodology and Research Organization. The assessment of suspension training for Chinese ice hockey players during the training phase, which included the use of exercises on unstable support (suspension), was conducted as part of a formative pedagogical experiment in 2023-2024. The study involved 36 Chinese ice hockey players aged 13-14. To evaluate the effectiveness of suspension training, the 36 athletes were divided into two teams, forming control and experimental groups of 18 players each. The control group (CG) followed a physical training program based on recommendations from leading North American, European, and Russian specialists, while the experimental group (EG) used suspension training on unstable support (suspension) to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and improve motor abilities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical interventions was assessed based on the dynamics of control-pedagogical tests.
Research Results and Discussion. Testing the motor abilities of Chinese ice hockey players aged 13-14 in the control and experimental groups showed that before the start of the formative experiment, the participants in both groups were practically indistinguishable in terms of speed, movement coordination, and speed-strength capabilities (p > 0.05). These results indicate the homogeneity of the groups prior to the formative experiment.
The inclusion of suspension training, based on exercises on unstable support (suspension), in the physical training program of the experimental group led to significant improvements in speed, coordination, and speed-strength capabilities by 17.7%, 15.2%, and 21.5%, respectively, compared to the initial results. In the control group, the improvement rates for these parameters were only 3.8%, 4.9%, and 3.2%, respectively. During the formative experiment, the rate of sports-related musculoskeletal injuries in the EG decreased by 12.2%, while in the CG, it increased by 5.0%.
Conclusion. The use of exercises on unstable support (suspension) in the physical training of Chinese ice hockey players aged 13-14 significantly enhances the key motor abilities necessary for effective competitive performance and contributes to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system in young athletes.
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