Aerobic performance indicators of qualified athletes aged 1516 years in sports radio direction finding
Zelenskiy K.G.
Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol
Ponomarev G.N.
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Kostyuchenko V.F.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Zverev V.D.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study: To identify the features of the functional state of 15-16 year old athletes in sports radio direction finding during energy supply of muscle work in conditions of aerobic-anaerobic transition.
Methods and structure of the study: The research was conducted in Kislovodsk in November 2023 under the conditions of a training camp, in which 12 members of the Russian youth national team in sports radio direction finding aged 15-16 took part, including 1 -- Master of Sports, 8 -- Candidate Master of Sports, 3 athletes of the 1st category. During the experiment, a test was conducted using a treadmill. Muscle work was performed with a gradually increasing load until «failure». Air was sampled to measure the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in it, heart rate and lactate concentration in the blood were determined. Based on the data obtained, the values of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds were determined, expressed in running speed, the level of minute oxygen consumption and heart rate.
Results and conclusions: It has been established that the blood lactate concentration values in qualified 15-16 year old athletes in sports radio direction finding at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds are localized within the generally accepted limits and equal, respectively, 2,4 and 4,3 mmol∙l^‒1^. The average running speed at the AeT level corresponds to 3.01 m∙s^‒1^, at the AnT level ‒ 4,02 m∙s^‒1^, at the VO2max level ‒ 4,71 m∙s^‒1^. The most informative performance criteria in sports radio direction finding in qualified 15-16 year old athletes are the oxygen consumption values at the AnT level, running speed at the AnT level and VO2max.
Keywords: Sports radio direction finding, maximum oxygen consumption, aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, lactate, pulmonary ventilation, oxygen pulse.
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