Individualization of training classes for children aged 56 in the process of mastering the basic technical elements of football


Antipov D.A.
State University of Education, Moscow;
Tarasova L.V.
Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka, Moscow Region;
Antipov A.V.
State University of Education, Moscow.

Objective of the study: To substantiate and prove the effectiveness of individual training sessions with children aged 5-6 years in the process of mastering the basic technical elements of football.

Methods and structure of the study: The experiment was conducted from September 2021 to November 2023 at FC Strogino and FC Lokomotiv (Moscow), involving 32 children aged 5-6 years involved in football. Individual lessons were held as an additional form of tutoring for children already studying at the football schools of FC Strogino and FC Lokomotiv (Moscow). This approach ensured a selective impact on each student and made it possible to form a «school of movements» for subsequent targeted teaching of playing technique. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was assessed by testing the dynamics of technical fitness indicators.

Results and conclusions: Individualization of training sessions for young football players aged 5-6, which includes additional training, promotes effective mastering of technical actions and develops their ability to use technical techniques in a game situation. Thus, for children aged 5-6 involved in football, it is necessary to organize additional individual lessons in the form of tutoring, which allow for a fairly short period of time to pull up the lagging aspects of readiness to the basic parameters, since such lessons take into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body development.

Keywords: football, young players, training sessions, individualization, technical methods of the game, development of motor skills.


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