Influence of the journal «Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury» on the development of sport sociology
Lubysheva L.I.
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow;
Rosenko S.I.
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg.
Objective of the study: To identify the vector of development of sociological research in the field of physical culture and sports based on the analysis of the information content of the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture».
Methods and structure of the study: A content analysis of publications on the sociology of physical culture and sport published in the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture» in the period 2000-2024 was conducted.
Results and conclusions: The sociology of physical culture and sports has established itself as an independent branch of scientific knowledge, focusing on social relations and interaction of social groups in the sports sphere. The transformation of physical culture and sports into a significant social phenomenon necessitates constant study of its state and development trends.
Keywords: sociology of physical culture and sports, sociological research, social relations in the field of physical culture and sports.
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