Demography and public health in modern Russia as a factor of national security in a multipolar world


PhD, Associate Professor O.M. Khokhlova1
E.L. Shchipakina1

1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

Keywords: public health, sports, healthy lifestyle, demography, national security, multipolar world. 

Introduction. The increase in demographic indicators in our country in the near future can be questioned, and a further decrease in the birth rate in the country can be predicted if effective measures to increase the birth rate, reduce mortality and improve the health of the population as a whole are not planned and implemented [1].
The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of solving demographic problems and public health in modern Russia and demographic threats to national security in a multipolar world and to propose ways to solve this problem.
Methodology and organization of the research. The scientific work involved 1,180 respondents aged 18 to 50 years, 59% of them women and 41% men, focused on a healthy lifestyle and traditional family values. The study was conducted in large cities of the Siberian Federal District. The data was processed using the SPSS package. A qualitative analysis of normative legal acts was used, for example, a frame analysis of speeches by scientists, researchers, and political leaders to assess and identify factors influencing legislative decisions in demography and their implementation.
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the legislative framework of normative legal acts implemented to improve the situation in this area, presented in official documents, communications from officials, analysis of political decisions taken and implemented in Russia, demonstrates disappointing forecasts for the future. The unstable situation in the country and in the world – 72% of respondents, was in the first place in the reasons for refusing to have children, in the second – socio-economic indicators – 64%, in the third place – housing problems arising in families with children.
The authors assess the inefficiency of management in solving demographic problems and increasing the birth rate in Russia, propose a number of measures to increase socio-economic assistance to young families, allocate housing to large families, define the concept of strengthening public health, develop the stages of demographic policy formation in Russia for 2024-2029, identify the features of demographic problems, characterize demographic threats to national security of the country. The regulatory framework as a tool of political management to prevent demographic threats is analyzed, the basics of the state strategy for increasing the birth rate in Russia are considered and their assessment is given, which allowed the authors to identify political solutions, the use of which will allow legislators of our country to develop new measures of the program for increasing the birth rate in Russia. In order to raise the birth rate by 500 thousand, or at least return to the birth rate in 2015, help is needed for young families and families with children. Among such measures, we note: an increase in maternity capital by 2-2.5 times, an increase in the amount of benefits for women with children up to 50% of the average salary in the region, a significant reduction in the mortgage lending rate to its minimum.
Conclusions. A new management decision-making strategy is needed, as there is an urgent need to counter demographic threats in order to preserve the integrity and national security of our country.


  1. Rosstat presented three options for forecasting the population of the Russian Federation by 2046 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https:// www.interfax . ru/russia.