Conditions for the effective use of elearning technologies for students


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor Yu.V. Podpovetnaya
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ural branch, Chelyabinsk

Keywords: e-learning technologies; student motivation; pedagogical conditions.

Introduction. In recent years, the interest of scientists in studying various aspects of the use of e-learning technologies in the educational process has increased [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions of the university's educational space aimed at motivating students to study through e–learning technologies.
The results of the study and their discussion. The conditions of the university's educational space are specially created in order to motivate students to study and promote the development of educated people, specialists, and citizens. When creating pedagogical conditions aimed at the effective use of e-learning technologies in the educational process of students, the following have been identified:
firstly, the regulatory conditions of the university's educational space. This means that the educational space aimed at the effective use of e-learning technologies for students should be guided by the standards characterizing state and public attitudes towards education, which include requirements for human education and requirements for the quality of e-learning, as well as the safety of its use within an educational institution;
Secondly, perspective-oriented conditions of the university's educational space are being created. One of the forms of building this group of conditions is the educational institution development program, which is a leading guideline in the process of using e-learning technologies for students;
thirdly, the activity-stimulating conditions of the educational space of the university. These conditions are created directly in the educational space of the university and affect the activity of students in various aspects of their lives and, first of all, activate the educational activities of students through the use of e-learning technologies in socially acceptable directions;
Fourth, the communicative and informational conditions of the university's educational space. The conditions for using e-learning technologies for students are characterized not only by ensuring accessibility to information sources. They should be directly related to both the content of education and the methods of implementing the educational process of the university.
Conclusion. The following 1C products, designed directly for the higher professional education system, effectively contribute to the creation and implementation of appropriate conditions: "1C: Education Department", "1C: Psychodiagnostics of an educational institution", "1C: University", etc.


  1. Yakushina E.V. Electronic educational resources: topical issues. National education. 2022. No.1. pp. 184-188.