Social and psychological resource of student involvement in physical activity
Dr. Hab., Professor A.V. Leyfa1
Dr. Psych., Associate Professor E.V. Pavlova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Strunin2
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Romanov3
1Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk
2Kurgan State University, Kurgan
3Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evseviev, Saransk
Objective of the study was to substantiation of the applicability of the concept of «resource of involvement» in the context of physical activity of student youth and the integral characteristic of «resource of involvement in physical activity».
Methods and structure of the study. The study sample included 651 full-time students involved in university sports sections, including 353 students from Amur State University, 145 from Kurgan State University, and 153 from M.E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University. The sample included 36,9% boys and 63,1% girls. The study was conducted in the spring of 2024. Factor analysis was used to determine the combinations of individual components of the «engagement resource» (the method of factor extraction is the principal component method; the rotation method is varimax with Kaiser normalization).
Results and conclusions. The article considers definitions of physical activity, describes its role in human life. The significance of the study of student youth involvement in physical activity is shown. Various aspects of involvement are described based on an interdisciplinary approach. It is established that the concept of «involvement in physical activity» is in the process of formation. The possibility of understanding the psychological component of this phenomenon through the concept of "resource of involvement in physical activity" is substantiated. Psychological dimensions of the resource of students' involvement in physical activity, determining the specifics and conditions of its implementation, are empirically identified.
Keywords: physical activity; involvement; involvement structure; resource of involvement in physical activity; psychological dimensions of the resource of involvement; student youth.
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