Personality predictors of the formation of spiritual and moral values of young athletes of conscription age


PhD, Associate Professor L.F. Buksha1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.B. Serykh1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Osipova1
E.N. Nazarskaya1

1Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad

Objective of the study was to identify personal predictors of the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in young men of draft age involved in sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The empirical study was conducted in four regions of the Russian Federation: Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Murmansk and Leningrad regions. The total number of respondents was 1050 respondents – young men aged 16 to 20 (conscription age). The diagnostics were carried out using the following methods: «Spiritual personality»; «Diagnostics of moral education»; study of the axiological orientation of the individual; study of moral identity.
Results and conclusions. The obtained diagnostic results allowed us to identify personal predictors of the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of young athletes, assessing the level of formation of spiritual values, moral education, axiological orientation (humanistic and pragmatic) and moral identity of young men of draft age, engaged and not engaged in various sports. The results of the study are in demand due to the possibility of updating the educational and developmental potential of sports activities, allowing for the effective formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of young people in the educational process of secondary and higher educational institutions.

Keywords: young athletes of conscription age, spiritual and moral values, personal predictors, axiological orientation, moral education, moral identity.

Research has conducted under the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, грант № 24–28–00879 « Formation of patriotic and moral values of the military age young people in the face of the external threats»,–28–00879/


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