Features of the formation of leadership qualities of the curator of the student group of the sports faculty


PhD O.E. Klimenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Fomenko1
1Transbaikal State University, Chita

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the formation of leadership qualities of the curator of a student group of the sports faculty.
Methods and structure of the study. Student groups of different years and specialties of study took part in the scientific work. Sociometric methods of studying the values ​​and status of the leader in the group were used as diagnostic tools. Criteria for the formation of this phenomenon were developed to determine the indicators of readiness for leadership.
Results and conclusions.  It has been established that in order to achieve the status of a leader, a curator of a student group of the sports faculty must develop such qualities as: a stable motivational structure consisting of goal-setting, a system of values ​​and uniqueness of thought activity. In the hierarchy of leadership characteristics, the dominant role is played by the desire to achieve high results in educational and professional activities.

Keywords: leader, leadership, curator, student group.


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