Application of scientific and methodological support programs taekwondo athletes
Dr. Hab., Professor O.G. Epov1
E.O. Epov1
Yu.A. Sirotkina1
PhD E.M. Kalinin1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Objective of the study was to generalization of practical experience in the application of programs of scientific and methodological support for sports training in taekwondo based on theoretical analysis of international scientific and methodological literature.
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis of information sources of athletes of the WTF taekwondo sports specialization was performed using the PubMed and eLIBRARY databases. The search for studies was limited to documents published from 2015 to 2024, which were then grouped by the means and methods used to test athletes of striking martial arts.
Results and conclusions. Most studies are aimed at assessing the strength, speed and functional indicators of athletes: aerobic and anaerobic orientation. All types of tests were divided into two groups: means and methods of testing the stage complex (TC) and current examination (TC). The ECO program included tests for assessing strength and speed capabilities on an isokinetic dynamometer and when performing a vertical jump up, etc. The TC program included: squats for time and with various weights; long jumps from a place and from foot to foot; push-ups, bench press, deadlift, etc. The results of the theoretical study will help trainers decide on the choice of the necessary means and methods for assessing the abilities and potential of WTF taekwondo athletes.
Keywords: science, program, means, methods, test, striking types of martial arts, parameters, criteria, performance, examination.
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