Early start of sports: pros and cons


Dr. Biol., Professor V.D. Sonkin1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
1Institute of сhild development, health and adaptation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to study the results of research by scientists and the opinions of teachers on the problem of starting sports at an early age.
Methods and structure of the study. The study used an analysis of scientific and scientific-methodological literature, including the study of 19 modern domestic and foreign sources.
Results and conclusions. The problem of early initiation of sports activities in childhood remains poorly studied. This issue is given much attention by specialists of various professions (doctors, teachers, psychologists, physiologists), who express various concerns related to the inadequacy of physical activity for children and the insufficient study of age-related characteristics of preschoolers. For a successful start and continuation of a sports career, it is important to maintain high motivation of children to engage in sports and adhere to the optimal load for a certain age.

Keywords: sports, early start, children.


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