AllRussian monitoring of regional characteristics of body mass index of senior schoolchildren
Dr. Med., Professor N.A. Skoblina1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
PhD D.I. Sechin1
Postgraduate student M.S. Ivanov1
1Institute of сhild development, health and adaptation, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identification of regional characteristics of the body mass index of senior schoolchildren.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the all-Russian monitoring of the physical development of the child population in 2021-2024, the body mass index at the time of completion of growth processes was studied using a cross-section in 15481 boys and 15560 girls aged 17 years living in 74 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration, met the requirements of biomedical ethics, and was approved by the LEC. Statistical processing was carried out using Statistica 13 PL and mapping.
Results and conclusions. For Russia as a whole, the average values of the body mass index were calculated, which for boys aged 17 years were 21,39±0,06 kg/m2, for girls – 20,71±0,07 kg/m2 with reliable differences (Student’s t-test: 7,49, p=0,000001) taking into account sexual dimorphism. The presence of regional features in the formation of the body mass index in senior schoolchildren and the presence of regions with indicators different from the all-Russian ones, which should be given special attention when carrying out preventive work, were established.
Keywords: high school students, body mass index, regional characteristics.
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