Binary interaction of symmetryasymmetry signs when assessing the development of motor skills in performing locomotion in children aged 56 years
Dr. Hab., Professor K.D. Chermit1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Klimenko2
PhD, Associate Professor A.G. Zabolotniy1
N.K. Kuprin1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
2Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar
Objective of the study was to substantiation of the binary interaction of the features of symmetry-dissymmetry and symmetry-asymmetry as criteria for assessing the quality of mastery of natural locomotion by children aged 5-6 years (based on the study of catching a falling object).
Methods and structure of the study. Objective methods were used to study the quality of performance of motor actions based on video analysis and determination of the bioelectrical activity of muscles by recording and analyzing surface electromyography.
Results and conclusions. It was found that at the age of five, a program of action is created that allows for the implementation of movements at a comfortable pace. At the age of six, coordination changes are made to the existing program in order to change the speed of the comfortable pace of movement towards its increase.Symmetry and asymmetry are interacting factors that follow from the definition of symmetry. Dissymmetry is the initial stage of a decrease in the level of symmetry, expressed either in the loss of some element or in minor deviations of the indicator (indicators) from symmetry.
Keywords: binary interaction, symmetry-asymmetry, symmetry-dissymmetry, signs of symmetry-asymmetry, stability and variability, motor skill, assessment of motor action, children aged 5-6 years.
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