Features of mental states of students with disabilities involved in sports
Dr. Psych., Professor N.L. Zakharova1
Dr. Psych., Associate Professor S.V. Kotovskaya1
PhD L.Yu. Belenkova1
PhD A.N. Ostrovskiy1
1Russian State University of Social Technologies, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identifying the characteristics of the mental states of students with disabilities involved in sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The empirical method of the study was testing. Data processing was carried out using the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics 27, Excel program. The study involved students with disabilities involved in sports and their peers, students of the 1st to 4th years of the Russian State University of Social Technologies.
Results and conclusions. The differences in mental states of students with disabilities involved in sports and their peers have been revealed. Positive emotions dominate in athletes; to the greatest extent associated with the manifestation of volitional qualities and concentration. Negative emotional experiences are experienced by student-athletes with respect to periods of passive pastime, impulsive actions, and manifestation of uncertainty. Negative mental states of athletes occur to a lesser extent with the activation of mental processes, changes in physiological reactions or behavior. The relationship between mental states and personality traits of athletes with disabilities has been empirically proven. The revealed correlations indicate the following patterns: with an increase in sensitivity to external stimuli and awareness of perception, the desire for independence also increases; positive emotions increase the feeling of one's own uniqueness; with an increase in self-confidence, satisfaction with life increases; the experience of optimism increases responsiveness and empathy; a feeling of cheerfulness is closely related to persistence and enthusiasm; With increasing consistency of actions, empathy, life satisfaction and receptivity increase, and the desire to make a good impression decreases.
Keywords: students with disabilities, athletes, mental states, positive experiences, self-control.
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