Current correction of the training process from the position of delayed postload changes in the electrocardiogram using the example of kayaking and canoeing
Dr. Med., Professor G.A. Makarova1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.I. Pogrebnoy1
PhD A.A. Karpov1
S.M. Chernukha1
1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar
Objective of the study was to determination of the diagnostic capabilities of delayed post-load changes in the electrocardiogram in the context of ongoing correction of the training process in highly skilled kayakers and canoeists.
Methods and structure of the study. The electrocardiographic examination involved 28 male rowers aged 18 to 36 years (3 Honored Master of Sports, 7 Master of Sports of International Class, 18 Master of Sports) and 18 female athletes aged 18 to 33 years (2 Honored Master of Sports, 4 Master of Sports of International Class, 12 Master of Sports). The examination was conducted using the Valenta diagnostic system in 12 generally accepted leads repeatedly, with an interval of 3-12 days at all stages of the annual training cycle. The total number of measurements was 1360. The following were recorded: heart rate, position of the electrical axis of the heart AQRS, duration of P, T waves, QRS complex, PQ, QT, corrected QT (Bazett), ST intervals; The Macruz index, the amplitude of the R and T waves, as well as the ratio of the amplitudes of the R to T waves in the fifth and sixth chest leads, the shape and amplitude of the T wave in all leads, the position relative to the isoelectric line of the PQ and ST segments, and the shape of the ST segment elevation were analyzed.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that the informative value of an electrocardiogram is sharply reduced when it is recorded only as part of an annual in-depth medical examination. In order to detect the slightest changes that allow timely regulation of training loads, the optimal number of recordings should be at least once a week. In this case, a new electrocardiogram should be carefully compared with the previous one. It is also necessary to include in the calculation of the recorded parameters the ratio of R to T in the left chest leads and the measurement of the angle between the ascending and descending knees of the T wave with its dome shape. One of the early violations of the electrocardiogram in athletes can be the «alignment» of the S-T segment and the ascending knee of the T wave, as well as an increase in the absolute QT interval due to the ST interval with a sufficiently high stability of the corrected QT.
Keywords: highly skilled canoeists and kayakers, electrocardiogram, post-load changes, overstrain criteria, training process.
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