The effect of the upstroke on the technique and speed of monofin swimming in 12-13 year old athletes involved in underwater sports


Associate Professor E.V. Redi1
Associate Professor N.V. Ivashko1
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of the upward stroke on the technique of swimming in a monofin and on the speed of covering the distance in athletes 12-13 years old involved in underwater sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved underwater athletes aged 12 to 13 years (10 girls and 10 boys). All athletes were divided into two groups of 10 people (5 girls and 5 boys): Group A - athletes who make equally powerful strokes down and up when swimming with a monofin, Group B - athletes who make only a powerful stroke down. The following methods were used in the work: the method of assessing time indicators, the method of mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. Analyzing the swimming technique and the time shown by the athletes when covering the distances, it can be noted that the athletes of group A have a better time and a smoother technique than the athletes of group B. Conclusion. Athletes involved in underwater sports at the age of 12-13 years already take part in the All-Russian competitions as part of regional teams. It is obvious that the swimming technique and the time shown on the distances are very important at this age. Athletes who overcome the water surface, making a stroke with a monofin down and up, swim much faster, because they have a smooth glide on the surface of the water. Swimmers who make a stroke with a monofin only down, bend their knees to lift the fin up, thereby diving under the water with their hands. Such athletes have a pause between strokes, the swimming technique does not have a smooth glide and is similar to a pendulum, the athletes' time is much worse.

Keywords: underwater swimmers, competitions, swimming technique, monofin, sports result, gliding, sports distance.


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