Dynamics of biomechanical indicators of 800meter running technique in conditions of competition of highly qualified athletes


PhD A.B. Rafalovich1, 2
A.L. Drozdov2
T.D. Atkishkina2
A.M. Podtochilin2

1The Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the representative teams of Russia, Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to assessment of changes in biomechanical indicators of 800 m running technique in the conditions of competition of highly qualified athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. The calculation and assessment of changes in biomechanical indicators of 800 m running technique of highly qualified athletes at competitions were carried out. Based on the results of high-speed video recording (250 fps) on straight sections of the track at four points of the distance, the characteristics of running technique (duration of phases, length and speed of running steps) of 19 participants were calculated.
Results and conclusions. Reliably significant (p<0,05) changes from start to finish were revealed: a) increase in the duration of the push-off and support phases, b) decrease in the flight phase. The length and speed of the double step significantly (p<0,05) decrease from the middle of the distance to the finish. At the hypothesis level, it was noted that the decrease in the flight phase is largely associated with increasing fatigue, rather than with a change in running speed. A tendency towards increasing asymmetry of the running step along the distance was revealed.

Keywords: highly skilled middle distance runners, biomechanical analysis of running technique, high-speed video filming.


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