Interrelationship of loads of various energy direction in the annual cycle of training highly qualified hockey players


PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Shishkov1, 2
ORCID: 0000-0002-8831-6434
Dr. Hab., Professor A.N. Furaev2
ORCID: 0000-0003-3045-1390
1The Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the representative teams of Russia, Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to analysis of the relationship between loads of different energy orientations in the dynamics of the annual training cycle of highly qualified hockey players.
Methods and structure of the study. The research was conducted on the basis of the Dynamo-Elektrostal men's team (n=22) and the Russian national field hockey team (n=12) from January 2004 to March 2018. Of the 16 years of regular monitoring of training and competition loads, in this article we have identified the most successful period, from November 2007 to October 2008. This season is associated with the best sports results of the national team and the club. The study included diaries of detailed records of training and competition loads of the head coach.
Results and conclusions. Taking into account the competitive loads of athletes in team sports and their use in the preparatory period has a positive effect on the final result. At the same time, a negative correlation was noted (at the level of p<0,1) between anaerobic-glycolytic and competitive loads of mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) orientation. The team's success in the season under study allows us to talk about a model for distributing loads of different energy orientation in the preparation of field hockey players.

Keywords: field hockey, training and competition loads, aerobic loads, anaerobic loads, aerobic-anaerobic loads, annual cycle, training blocks.


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