Pedagogical control of motor qualities and abilities of competitors at sports training centers of educational organization


PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zaynetdinov
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: sports training centers, martial arts, pedagogical control, motor qualities and abilities.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of pedagogical control to assess the motor qualities and abilities of martial artists in sports training centers.
Methodology and organization of the study. Testing was conducted in 2022/2024 on the basis of the GAOU sports training center at MGUSiT, it was attended by athletes aged 17 to 22 years old engaged in percussion (boxing, kickboxing, karate, taekwondo), wrestling (judo, sambo, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling) and mixed (hand-to-hand combat, combat sambo, MMA) by martial arts. The methodology of pedagogical control of motor qualities and abilities included the use of control and pedagogical tests (tests) aimed at assessing strength, coordination, endurance, speed, speed and strength abilities. A total of 126 athletes were tested. The results of pedagogical control determined the direction and content of the process of long-term training of athletes specializing in various types of martial arts.
The results of the study and their discussion. Testing of speed and strength abilities allowed us to establish that in the control exercise, throwing a stuffed ball from behind the head while sitting on the floor and a long jump from a place with a push of two legs, the indicators for martial artists are 12.2 ± 1.1 m and 221.5±7.8 cm, respectively. Pedagogical control showed that the level of general and special endurance among martial artists engaged in sports training centers of an educational organization, estimated using control exercises running 1000 m and shuttle running 4x10 m is 3.42 ± 0.5 min and 9.6 ± 1.2 s, respectively.
Coordination abilities assessed using the Romberg and Yarotsky test showed that martial artists, as a result of pedagogical control of physical fitness, had indicators equal to 11.4 ± 1.4 and 33.8± 3.9 seconds, respectively. In all control exercises, the coefficient of variation averages 10-15%, indicating intra-group differences in the level of physical fitness of the subjects who took part in the pedagogical control.
Conclusions. The conducted pedagogical control of physical fitness shows that martial artists engaged in sports training centers of an educational organization mainly have an "average" level of development of motor qualities and abilities, as well as physical performance. All this actualizes the search for the most effective ways to train a sports reserve in martial arts with sports training centers and educational organizations of higher professional education actively being created at the present time.

Used literature

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