Assessment as a technology for assessing the competencies of managers of physical sports organizations


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.V. Masyagina1
G.S. Zhukov1

PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Pleshakov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor T.V. Pushkareva2
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
2Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to based on the development of a competency model for the head of a physical culture and sports organization, to develop an assessment technology as a system for a comprehensive assessment of professionally significant personal qualities, performance effectiveness and competencies of the heads of physical culture and sports organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Sports.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis and interpretation of processes and phenomena related to the management activities of the head of a physical culture and sports organization was carried out.
Results and conclusions. The article examines assessment as an important assessment tool for the professional competence of a specialist, ensuring the success and effectiveness of the system of comprehensive assessment of managers of physical culture and sports organizations. Research conducted in the field of management, organizational psychology and labor psychology proves that the success of assessment as an assessment tool is ensured by a systematically organized set of activities aimed at assessing the managerial competence of a manager in order to determine the effectiveness of his activities and the possibility of developing his managerial potential.

Keywords: assessment, competency model, comprehensive assessment, human resources potential, head of the organization, management activities.


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