Assessment of professional preparedness in table tennis coach training programs


Zhai Xingchen1
Guo Erni1

1Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

Objective of the study was to assess the representation and importance of professional preparedness components in training programs for table tennis coaches at universities in China.
Methods and structure of the study. To determine the structure of the content of the training programs, a survey was conducted in which 61 fourth-year students from Beijing and Zhengzhou Universities, as well as 23 current Chinese trainers, took part. All students completed their studies and underwent pre-diploma internship. To conduct the survey, a questionnaire was developed for respondents to evaluate the content of the sections of the program of the academic discipline «Theory and Practice of Sports Training».
Results and conclusions. Conducted surveys of graduate students and trainers made it possible to identify the correlation of opinions about the representation of certain components in the professional preparedness of a specialist. The results show that in many components the opinions of future and current trainers on the content of work activity coincide. These results can become a guideline in updating professional training programs, taking into account the opinions of trainers and students.

Keywords: components, professional activity, graduates, table tennis, coach.


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