Professional and personal development of the future physical education teacher in the educational environment
G.V. Baturkina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Budyakova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Mezinov1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
Objective of the study was to identifying the maturity of the components of professional and personal development of future physical education teachers.
Methods and structure of the study. As a research tool, the author's methodology was used in the form of a database, which contains four types of tasks: 1) the assimilation of legal knowledge required for the successful implementation of professional sports teaching activities was tested; 2) general psychological preparation for solving professional tasks requiring certain personal competencies was checked; 3) basic pedagogical knowledge was diagnosed and 4) the ability to solve subject problems determined by the physical status of the students was tested. The study involved 30 3rd-4th year students studying in the field of preparation «Pedagogical Education».
Results and conclusions. The author's methodology for diagnosing the professional and personal qualities of future physical education teachers has proven its effectiveness in identifying gaps in training. In particular, it is possible to identify the level of readiness to implement the competencies laid down in educational standards. The identified personal unpreparedness to solve non-standard professional tasks and the lack of formation of the ability to position one’s professional activity as socially important should be the subject of further correction.
Keywords: training, education, professional and personal qualities of a teacher, physical education, diagnostics.
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