Factors decreasing the performance of leading Russian triple jump jumpers


PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Tsyplenkova1, 2
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.L. Ogandzhanov3
1 Sports Training Center for Russian national teams, Moscow
2Tula State University, Tula
3Moscow City University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to based on an analysis of the competitive activity of leading Russian jumpers specializing in the running triple jump, to investigate the dynamics of the development of this athletics discipline in the period 2003-2023, to identify the reasons for the decline in the results of Russian jumpers.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work included the entire complex of equipment when conducting surveys of the competitive activity of triple jumpers: video recording with video analysis, Dartfish software; electronic timing (systems «BROWER», «SMARTSPEED»); system of marks on the jump sector. The research was carried out within the framework of scientific and methodological support for the Russian national track and field jumping team.
Results and conclusions. An analysis of the dynamics of indicators of competitive activity of triple jump jumpers showed a two-stage decrease in competitive performance: at the first stage (1984–2010), performance decreased due to a decrease in take-off speed indicators, while maintaining high performance indicators in the support-flight phases of the jump, at the second stage (2010 –2023) the gradual decrease in the take-off speed indicator is aggravated by a decrease in the take-off speed implementation indicator in the support-flight phases of the jump. The lag in take-off speed from the world elite jumpers in the Soviet period was compensated by the highest level of technical and special jumping preparedness of domestic triple jumpers, which allowed them to repeatedly become medalists and winners of the Olympic Games and World Championships. In the last period of development of the domestic triple jump (2010–2023), the traditionally strong side of the domestic school of athletics jumps has been significantly lost: there is an obvious decrease in the rate of implementation of the take-off speed in the support-flight phases of the triple jump (Krs).

Keywords: athletics jumps, triple jump, competitive activity, kinematic indicators.


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