Formation of a domestic institute of sports volunteering


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.I. Gorlova1
PhD, Associate Professor Z.A. Troska1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to update the significance of the current state of the domestic institute of sports volunteering and to identify the stages of institutionalization of volunteering in the field of physical culture and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. A theoretical analysis was carried out, the following methods were used: synthesis and generalization - to formulate the theoretical aspects of sports volunteering; methods of comparative and systemic analysis when considering approaches to the implementation of volunteer programs by organizing committees of large-scale sporting events. To update the content and structural characteristics of sports volunteering, the method of structural analysis was used.
Results and conclusions. Currently, the sphere of physical culture and sports is considered as one of the priority topics on the social agenda of the volunteer movement and the accumulation of volunteer labor. It is noted that at this stage, sports volunteering is one of the most widespread and popular areas in the structure of the country’s domestic volunteer movement. Sports volunteers act as a strategic socio-economic resource for organizing sports and physical education events and promoting physical education and sports among the population. The stages of institutionalization of volunteering in the field of physical culture and sports are presented. A comparative analysis of approaches to the implementation of volunteer programs for sports events in Russia was carried out. Recommendations have been developed for the development of the specialized area of ​​volunteer activity.

Keywords: volunteering, volunteer program, volunteer work, sports volunteering, sports events.


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