Outdoor games as a means of adaptation for freshyear students and creation of a favorable microclimate in student groups


PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Shcherbin1
PhD, Associate Professor D.E. Egorov1
M.V. Beloglazov1

1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to assess the degree of influence of outdoor games on the adaptation of first-year students and the creation of a favorable microclimate in student groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The study of the influence of the inclusion of outdoor games in classes in the discipline «Physical Culture and Sports» on the adaptation of first-year students and the creation of a favorable microclimate in student groups was conducted among first-year students of the Moscow Polytechnic University of the Special Medical Department during one academic semester from September 2023 to January 2024. The study involved 104 students aged 18-20 years who were assigned to a special medical department for health reasons. Two groups were formed: CG (n=52 people) and EG (n=52 people). The students of the CG studied according to the standard program of the university, various outdoor games were included in each lesson of the EG.
Results and conclusions. A comparative analysis of the data obtained during the study made it possible to identify positive dynamics in microclimate indicators in the EG and CG. At the same time, among students from the EG, positive changes are reliable in all methods used, while among students from the CG, significant improvements were noted only in the «Assessment of the microclimate of a student group» method. Data analysis showed:
- obtained using the method of determining the index of group cohesion by K. Seashore, indicates that after the experiment the cohesion of the EG increased to a level above average, and in the CG it remained at an average level.
- obtained using a method aimed at assessing the psychological microclimate in the group, indicates that the climate in the EG improved to a medium-high degree, while in the CG it remained at the same, average level.
The study of the psychological climate in the study group revealed positive dynamics in the EG, but no significant changes occurred in the CG.

Keywords: first-year students, adaptation, microclimate, student group.


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