Technology for improving technical and tactical skills in individual game sports


Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
Postgraduate student E.A. Yushmanov1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the possibilities of increasing the technical and tactical skills of tennis players at the stage of sports improvement.
Methods and structure of the study. The work used theoretical and empirical methods: study and analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation of the competitive activities of the strongest players and young athletes, various individual team sports, video recording of game actions and their processing by shorthand recording, mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. Based on research in scientific and methodological literature and analysis of the competitive activity of leading tennis players, a technology for improving the technical and tactical skills of tennis players at the stage of sports improvement has been developed, based on the theory of level organization of movements, the theory of activity, the theory of long-term training of athletes, patterns of formation of motor skills, methodological the basics of teaching motor actions in sports and taking into account modern trends in the game of tennis. The proposed technology contains training tasks, the content of the methodology: tools and methods, indicators and means of monitoring technical and tactical skills, as well as forms of organizing classes.

Keywords: technology of technical and tactical training, stage of sports improvement, effectiveness of technical and tactical actions, tennis players.


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