Method of psychophysical preparation of students of nonphysical education universities by means of table tennis


D.A. Blinov1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova2
1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow
2The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Keywords: students, psychophysical training, means of table tennis, discipline "Physical culture and sports".

Introduction. A rationally organized method of pedagogical influences using the means and methods of physical culture and sports contributes to solving the tasks of adapting students to physical exertion and psychophysical preparation for a future profession [1].
The purpose of the study is to develop and test a methodology for psychophysical training of students of non–physical education universities based on the use of table tennis tools within the discipline "Physical Culture and sports".
Methodology and organization of the study. The developed method of psychophysical training of students consists of three blocks of the use of table tennis tools in the main part of physical education classes: the 1st block of table tennis tools is aimed at the combined improvement of visual-motor reactions and coordination, speed, speed-strength abilities (relay races, outdoor games with a racket and a ball in combination with visual signals for which the task began, continued, or ended); The 2nd block of table tennis tools is aimed at improving, focusing, stability and distribution of attention (exercises with a focus on long-term and steady performance of a game task with the gradual addition of new game actions); the 3rd block is aimed at improving cognitive flexibility, action planning and inhibition (tasks for purposeful reflection on one's own and opponent's motor actions when performing technical techniques and technical and tactical combinations that involve several options for the outcome of a game situation in certain limited conditions). The execution time of each of the three blocks varies depending on the intensity, content and complexity of the exercises used in these blocks. All three blocks of table tennis tools are used in each lesson in strict sequence, first the 1st block, then the 2nd block and the 3rd block.
The results of the study and conclusions. As shown by the results of the formative pedagogical experiment, in which 40 students of 1-2 courses took part, the developed method of psychophysical training by means of table tennis contributed to a significant increase in the indicators of stability, distribution, focus of attention, inhibition, action planning, cognitive flexibility, visual-motor reactions, coordination, speed and speed-strength abilities of students of non-physical education universities which indicates its effectiveness. This technique can be used to train a wide range of specialists preparing for professions related to the manifestation of stability, distribution, attention focusing, inhibition, action planning, cognitive flexibility, visual-motor reactions, coordination, speed, speed-strength abilities.


  1. Kortava, Zh.G., Fedyakin, A.A., Vasilykovskaya, Yu.A., Zaplatina, N.Yu. (2018) 'Increasing students' physical activity through elective disciplines in physical education and sports', Scientific Notes of P.F. Lesgaft University, № 1 (155), pp. 126-129.