Features of nutrition of an athlete with a decrease in body weight in preparation for performance at competitions


PhD, Professor S.M. Voronin1
A.V. Anisimov2

1Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov, Yaroslavl
2Volga Region Research Medical University, Vladimir Branch, Vladimir

Keywords: weight loss, weight class, testing.

Introduction. "Weight loss" is most relevant in sports where competitors are divided into weight categories. Nutrition with a decrease in body weight has its own characteristics. It should be minimal in weight and contain all the necessary ingredients. The main weight loss is due to water, which is limited in the last days of weight loss. According to performance tests, the athlete's "working" weight and weight category are determined [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify an algorithm for weight loss of an athlete in preparation for participation in competitions.
Methodology and organization of the study. Pedagogical observations of athletes who lose body weight were carried out by comparing reduced weight, test results and athletic performance.
The results of the study and their discussion. Most athletes reduce 8-10% of their weight for responsible competitions, but there are cases of much greater "run-off". As a rule, weight loss begins 2-3 weeks before weighing, fats, carbohydrates, and salt are limited. Further, they reduce the amount of nutrition by consuming only products of increased biological value: caviar, eggs, vegetables (except potatoes), meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, multivitamins. Closer to weighing, water is limited, adjusting the weight to the boundaries of the weight category.
Conclusion. Sports practice has shown the main ways to reduce body weight. It is obvious that reducing the caloric content of food using products of increased biological value allows you to maintain maximum performance while "reducing" weight. A decrease in water consumption occurs at the last stage of weight loss.


  1. Voronin, S. M. (1993). Method for determining the optimal weight of an athlete (Author's certificate 1836916 A1 USSR: SИ A 61 B 5/00, application filed January 3, 1991, published August 30, 1993, Bulletin No. 32, p. 2).