Corruption in sport


V.N. Turkova1
A.N. Arkhipova1

1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Keywords: sports, corruption, representations.

Introduction. Corruption in sports has become a fairly widely discussed phenomenon, especially in the media. This attention becomes a form of manipulation of public consciousness. A number of works consider different aspects of the social effects of corruption scandals [1]. All this increases the social pressure on the public consciousness and forms negative images and attitudes of the prevalence of corruption in sports.
The purpose of the study is to study athletes' perceptions of corruption in sports.
Methodology and organization of the study. 1,200 young athletes participated in the study. Of these, 62% are men and 38% are women between the ages of 18 and 35 who have been playing sports for five years or more.
The results of the study and their discussion. 100% of respondents heard about corruption in sports from the media and the Internet, and 32% personally encountered it (as a participant or an outside observer). Respondents generally consider corruption in sports to be a fairly common phenomenon in our society. We believe this is a socially designed conclusion that is specifically supported in The media as a strategy to keep the attention of the audience. Sport as a spectacular phenomenon, accompanied by a lot of money, becomes a particularly attractive area for fixing problematic and situations that contradict ethics and the law.
An interesting fact is that slightly more than half of the respondents (52%) believe that it is impossible to eradicate corruption in sports. Among respondents, 34% believe that educational and punitive measures against corrupt officials can change the situation for the better, 14% of respondents could not unequivocally answer the question about the possibility of eliminating corruption in sports.
The most effective measures to combat corruption are the following: educational measures on punishment for participation in corruption (37%), educational motives for activating the competitive effect in sports competitions (21%); increasing financial incentives for athletes (42%). At the same time, the work should be based on a clearly verified ideological component of informing the public about sports life (86%). Informing about corruption scandals only on the basis of verified facts, and not assumptions, vague guesses and dubious evidence.
Conclusions. The reputation of sports and sporting events suffers greatly from corruption scandals, 81% of respondents believe. In order to change the reputational conditions of the development of sports competitions, so that corruption in sports does not become a reason to attract attention to competitions, it is necessary to cultivate other meanings and conditions of sports competitions in the media and the Internet: competition, victory of the strongest, the best, etc. The sports game as an ideology is the goal of the information policy of all sports competitions, not money, bribes and personal intrigues. Most of the respondents come to this conclusion.


  1. Ardashev, R.G., and Turkova, V.N. Athletes' Attitudes towards Violating Moral and Legal Norms at Sporting Competitions: A Sociological Analysis. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 2023, no. 7, p. 65.