Prospects for the development of figital sports in the higher education system


PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Setyaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor M.E. Snigur1
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Gabibov2
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Semizorov3
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Don State Agrarian University, Rostov region
3Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to conduct a sociological survey to determine the prospects for the development of figital sports at the student level, including students with disabilities.
Methods and structure of the study. 150 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Surgut State Pedagogical University took part in the survey to solve problems of assessing the involvement of students in the areas of e-sports and figital sports, as well as the prospects for the development of adaptive and inclusive figital sports.
Results and conclusions. The following answers were received about the prospects for the development of adaptive figital sports and inclusive figital sports: «any sport in which there is an opportunity to include these people has very great prospects and opportunities»; «global perspectives, many people who do not have the opportunity to play real sports really have the desire to develop in directions in which they are capable, so I think the development of physical sports is very promising»; «People with disabilities can take part in this sport and, like others, can claim winning places if they combine adaptive sports (boccia, curling) and video games».

Keywords: e-sports, figital sports, figital technologies, functional digital biathlon, inclusion, limited health capabilities, disability.


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