Shot correction for young basketball players at the training stage using a modified technique


D.P. Unger1
I.M. Bodrov1
T.P. Vysotskaya1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the shot correction technique for basketball players 13-14 years old at the training stage of preparation.
Methods and structure of the study. Young basketball players (n=12, age 13,4±0,63 years) took part in the experiment. The athletes were divided into two equal groups: the CG and the EG. The training process in the EG was carried out with the introduction of a modified throwing correction technique, which was used in the form of allocating special time for throwing preparation at the beginning of training. At the initial stage of the experiment, mistakes that basketball players from the EG make when making a throw were identified. At the next stage, mistakes made by athletes were analyzed and an understanding of the rational execution of a basketball throw was developed. Subsequently, a new motor skill was formed, practiced to the point of automatism and turning into a motor skill.
Results and conclusions. The use of a modified technique for correcting the throw made it possible to achieve a higher increase in performance in those involved compared to a group of young basketball players training using the traditional method. Proof of the success of the implemented methodology is an increase in the number of completed throws in the EG by 10, and in the CG only by 6. The percentage increase in the percentage of hits in the EG increased by 30% in test 1 and by 40,7% in test 2, and in the CG decreased in test 1 – by 2,4%, and in test 2 – by 2,3%.

Keywords: basketball, shooting preparation, performance, mistakes.


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