Physical education of students of cadet classes of the Republic of Crimea in conditions of profile training


Dr. Hab., Professor N.A. Gluzman1
Postgraduate student A.A. Suprun1
1I.V. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Keywords: physical education, cadet classes, specialized training, military-applied orientation, Republic of Crimea.

The purpose of the study is to develop and substantiate the content, methods and organizational forms of physical education of students of cadet classes of the Republic of Crimea in the conditions of specialized education.
Methodology and organization of the study. Physical education of students in 214 cadet classes of the Republic of Crimea includes the implementation of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions, namely: the activation of students' interest in physical education in accordance with the content of professional and military physical training; the introduction of experimental programs and techniques into the process of physical education focused on the traditions of cadet education and upbringing; formation of physical qualities and competencies of military-applied orientation of future specialists, taking into account the multinational and border features of the Crimean region; designing the content, methods and organizational forms of physical education used to form physical qualities of a military-patriotic orientation.
The results of the study and their discussion. Among the dominant motives of physical education and sports in the cadet class, the following were identified: "preparation for military service"; "improvement of one's physical form", "development of masculine qualities", "health promotion", "desire to be a military specialist". The program of physical education of students of cadet classes in Crimea in the conditions of specialized training, along with the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills in the field of physical culture necessary for successful military and professional self-realization, provides for the importance of physical education for national security and defense of the Russian state as a whole, and in particular the Republic of Crimea. The results of the study are the basis for the developed and implemented variable modules "Military applied physical training" of the program "Physical Culture for general educational institutions (grades 5-11) and the methodological manual "Military-applied physical training in the conditions of specialized training".
Conclusions. Cadet education in the Republic of Crimea is just beginning to revive, which actualizes the development of educational and methodological complexes for physical education, taking into account the military-applied and entopedagogic component. The main methods and organizational forms of physical education in cadet classes are implemented through the military sports cadet all-around "Raising patriots", during the thematic cadet shift "School of Young Commanders", it is revealed in training programs and workshops "Cadet education at school" for classroom teachers and officer educators, provided with teaching aids, methodological recommendations.


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