Drone pilots training


PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Novoselov1
V.A. Beresneva2, 3

1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
2Moscow University for Industriy and Finance «Synergy», Moscow
3ANO "Department of Cybersports"

Keywords: UAS, unmanned aerial vehicles, drone, drone racing, sports.

Introduction. Unmanned aircraft are currently actively developing and are being used in various industries. Therefore, this area is one of the priority areas for the development of the state (both the development of drones and personnel training).
The purpose of the study is to identify the state of development of drone management training based on a theoretical analysis of information sources and cases of training for the training of UAS operators.
Methodology and organization of the study. During the period from September 2023 to March 2024, a comparative analysis of literary sources and content analysis of specialized Internet resources of foreign experience in training drone operators was carried out (Civil Aviation Authority, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Transport Canada, United States Department of Transportation, Aviation Administration Kazakhstan, etc.).
Research results and discussion. According to research, the total drone market will reach US$54.6 billion by 2030 and the market is divided into functional segments such as hardware (drone assembly), software (drone programming) and services (drone management). The results of the analysis of the training of drone operators abroad are presented in the table.
The Russian UAS market is growing rapidly. According to a study by the Aeronext association, in 2023 it increased by 129% compared to 2022, reaching 33.7 billion rubles. In the civilian sector, the UAS market grew by 35% – to almost 20 billion rubles [1]. However, the main problem remains the acute shortage of personnel to operate drones, and, if we talk about sports, then the lack of qualified trainers with specialized education.
Addressing this issue and the issue of sportization of UAS, the Russian Ministry of Sports recognized the new sport of “drone racing (unmanned aerial vehicles).” The emergence of this sport is closely related to the training of drone pilots, which includes the acquisition of high technical skills in controlling drones [2]. Drone racing encourages participants to improve their skills and also promotes the development of new drone technologies and equipment.
Conclusions. There is an increasing need for UAS training. In 2024, the Russian University of Sports "GTSOLIFK" opened enrollment for the educational program "Sports training in the sport" Drone racing (unmanned aerial vehicles). Pedagogical activities in the field of physical culture and sports" within the framework of the direction 49.03.04 "Sport" (bachelor's degree), including for budget places.
The educational program is based on the principles of sports training, the experience of drone racers at the all-Russian level, as well as the experience of training military personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, who are trained at RUS "GTSOLIFK" as part of an additional professional development program "Modern technologies for sports training of remote pilots of FPV drones."


  1. Results of 2023 for the unmanned aircraft market. https://aeronext.aero/press_room/analytics/292482.
  2. Skarzhinskaya E.N. Review of scientific research in domestic cybersports. In the collection: Computer sports: problems and development prospects. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, 2021. pp. 90-98.