Distance education in sports universities through the eyes of students


L.N. Shvetsova1
N. A. Ushakova2

1Moscow University for Industriy and Finance «Synergy», Moscow
2The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Key words: distance learning, educational technologies, off-line learning, pilot sociological study, questionnaire.

Introduction. As part of discussions about the prospects of education in the 21st century, both scientists and philosophers associated them with the use of innovative technologies, one of which is distance learning. Outstanding Russian philosopher V.A. Kutyrev describes the mood of these discussions in this way: “It is assumed that educational networks and multimedia terminals will allow a person to obtain knowledge anywhere and at any time. His presence in special classes and auditoriums will be optional. The possibility of an almost unlimited choice of the best, by world standards, programs will open up, and their accumulation will lead to the displacement of professors and teachers as carriers of more limited knowledge” [2, p. 173].
At present, when “big challenges create significant risks for society, the economy, and the system of government regulation” [1, p. 5], adequate use of educational technologies is required in the training of future specialists.
Based on the above, we can conclude that the distance learning format still remains a topic of discussion aimed at objectively assessing the benefits and effectiveness of using this type of technology. Scientists, philosophers, and higher education teachers are involved in the discussions. At the same time, it is important to take into account the opinion of the students of universities themselves, including sports ones, as subjects of the educational process.
The purpose of the study is to identify the attitude of students in sports universities towards distance learning.
Methodology and organization of the study. As part of this work, a pilot sociological study was conducted among students of the RUS "GTSOLIFK" of the 4th year of the training direction "Physical Education" in 2023.
Research results and discussion. Students were asked to answer the questionnaire. To the question “Would you like all classes at the university to be held remotely?” 34% of respondents answered “yes” and 60% answered “no”. To the question “Would you like only lecture classes to be conducted remotely?” 68% of respondents answered “yes”, 28% answered “no”. To the question “Would you like only seminar classes to be conducted remotely?” 12% of respondents answered “yes”, 82% answered “no”.
Conclusion. The results of a pilot sociological study among students of the RUS “GTSOLIFK” of the 4th year of training in “Physical Education” in 2023 allow us to draw conclusions that students are trying to objectively assess the pros and cons of distance learning. The fact that the majority of respondents (82%) would not like to conduct seminars remotely suggests that students realize the importance and significance of a live dialogue between them and the teacher, between the students themselves in off-line mode.


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